Silk Nog Original Review

Putting the Soy in Soylent Night

Abraham Williams
Eggnog Reviews


Silk Nog Original photo by Abraham Williams

You know how you get those cravings for a succulent Tyrannosaurus steak but all you have is boring old cow steak? That’s kind of like how Silk Nog is.

Or maybe it’s not really like that at all since real eggnog does exist.

As far as how Silk Nog compares, it’s not very thick like an eggnog should be. In fact it’s very much like soy milk just a little more festive. So really if you like soy milk, Silk Nog is a good option to check out.

Not much in the way of spices to be found in Silk Nog though. Maybe there is some nutmeg included but I sure couldn’t find it.

If you like soy milk you should like this #ThreeEggs holiday version of it.

Purchased and consumed in Madison, WI

